Cults & New Religious Movements: A Bibliography

by Rob Nanninga

August 2002 – keep this bibliography up-to-date by mailing new entries to

Online texts about cults and new religions

(to list with Dutch/German books)

English books

by author

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z

Ahlberg, Sture (1986)
Messianic movements: a comparative analysis of the Sabbatians, The People’s Temple, and the Unification Church.
Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell.

Aho, James A. (1990)
The politics of righteousness, Idaho Christian Patriotism.
Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Aho, James A. (1994)
This thing of darkness: a sociology of the enemy.
Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Aidala, Angela (1985)
Social change, gender roles, and new religious movements.
Sociological Analysis, 46, 287-314.

Alcock, James E. (1996)
In Stein (ed.), 153-160.

Aldridge, Alan (2000)
Religion in the contemporary world: a sociological introduction.
Cambridge: Polity Press.

Andres, Rachel & James R. Lane (1989)
Cult and consequences: the definitive handbook.
Los Angeles: Commission on Cults and Missionaries, Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles.

Ankerberg John & Weldon, John (1996)
Behind the Mask of Mormonism.
Harvest House.

Ankerberg, John & John Weldon (1999)
Cult Watch: what you need to know about spiritual deception.
Harvest House.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1974)
The Meher Baba movement: its effect on post-adolescent social alienation.
In Zaretsky & Leone (eds.), 479-511.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1978)
The effect on detente on the growth of new religions: Reverend Moon and the Unification Church.
In Needleman & Baker (eds.), 80-100.

Anthony, Dick (1979)
The fact pattern behind the deprogramming controversy.
New York University Review of Law and Social Change, 9(1), 33-50.

Anthony, Dick, Thomas Robbins & Jim McCarthy (1980)
Legitimating Repression.
Society, 17 (March), 39-42; Bromley & Richardson, eds. (1983).

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1981)
New religions, families, and ‘brainwashing’.
In Robbins & Anthony (eds.), 263-275.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1982)
Contemporary religious movements and moral ambiguity.
In Barker (ed.), 243-263.

Anthony, Dick (1982)
The outer master as the inner guide: autonomy and authority in the process of transformation.
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 14(1), 1-36.

Anthony, Dick, Bruce Ecker & Ken Wilber (1987)
Spiritual choices: the problem of recognizing authentic paths to inner transformation.
New York: Paragon.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1987)
Contemporary religious movements and cults – the United States.
In Eliade et al. (eds.).

Anthony, Dick (1990)
Religious movements and the brainwashing litigation: evaluating key testimony.
In Robbins & Anthony (eds.).

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1992)
Law, social science and the ‘brainwashing’ exception to the First Amendment.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 10, 5-29.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1994)
Brainwashing and totalitarian influence.
In V. S. Ramachandran (ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior, vol. 1, 457-471.
San Diego: Academic Press.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1995)
Negligence, coercion, and the protection of religious belief.
Journal of Church and State, 37(3), 509-536.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1995)
Religious totalism, violence and exemplary dualism: beyond the extrinsic model.
Terrorism and Political Violence, 7(3), 10-50.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas Robbins (1997)
Religious totalism, exemplary dualism and the Waco Tragedy.
In Robbins & Palmer (eds.).

Anthony, Dick (1999)
Pseudoscience and minority religions: an evaluation of the brainwashing theories of Jean-Marie Abgrall.
Social Justice Research, 12(4), 421-456.

Anthony, Dick (2001)
Tactical ambiguity and brainwashing formulations: science or pseudo-science?
In Zablocki & Robbins (eds.), 215-317.

Appel, Willa (1983)
Cults in America: programmed for paradise.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Argyle, Michael (2000)
Psychology and religion.
London: Routledge.

Aronoff, Jodi, Steven Jay Lynn & Peter Malinoski (2000)
Are cultic environments psychologically harmful?
Clinical Psychology Review, 20(1), 91-112.

Arweck, Elisabeth & Peter B. Clarke (1997)
New religious movements in western Europe: an annotated bibliography.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Ash, S. (1985)
Cult-induced psychopathology.
Cultic Studies Journal, 2(1), 31-90.

Atack, Jon (1990)
A piece of blue sky. [Scientology] New York: Carol Publishing Group.

Aubert, Raphaël & Carl-A. Keller (1994)
Vie et mort de l’Ordre du Temple Solaire.
Vevey: Editions de l’Aire.

Avalos, H. (1982)
The Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower Society.
Free Inquiry, 12(2), 28-31.

Ayella, Marybeth (1990)
“They must be crazy”: some difficulties in researching “cults”.
American Behavioral Scientist, 33(5), 562-577.

Ayella, Marybeth (1998)
Insane therapy: portrait of a psychotherapy cult.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Babb, Lawrence A. (1983)
Sathya Sai Baba’s magic.
Anthropological Quarterly, 56(3), 116-123.

Babb, Lawrence A. (1984)
Indigenous feminism in a modern hindu sect. [Brahma Kumaris] Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 9, 399-416.

Babb, Lawrence A. (1986)
Redemptive encounters: three modern styles in the hindu tradition. [Sai Baba, Brahma Kumaris] Berkeley: University of California Press.

Babbit, Ellen (1979)
The deprogramming of religious sect members.
Northwestern University Law Review, 74(2), 229-254.

Bader, Chris & A. Demaris (1996)
A test of the Stark-Bainbridge theory of affiliation with religious cults and sects.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 35, 285-303.

Bader, Chris (1999)
When prophecy passes unnoticed: new perspectives on failed prophecy.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 38(1), 119-131.

Baer, Donald D. & Stephanie B. Stolz (1978)
A description of the Erhard Seminars Training (est) in terms of behavior analysis.
Behaviorism, 6(2), 45-70.

Bainbridge, William S. (1978)
Satan’s power: a deviant psychotherapy cult.
Berkeley: University of California Press.

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1980)
Client and audience cults in America.
Sociological Analysis, 41, 199-214. Chapter 10 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1980)
Scientology: to be perfectly clear.
Sociological Analysis, 41(2), 128-136. Chapter 12 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1980)
Sectarian tension.
Review of Religious Research, 22, 105-124. Chapter 3 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Daniel H. Jackson (1981)
The rise and decline of Transcendental Meditation.
In Wilson (ed.), 135-158. Chapter 13 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1981)
The ‘Consciousness Reformation’ reconsidered.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 20, 1-16. Chapter 7 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1981)
Friendship, religion, and the occult: a network study.
Review of the Social Sciences of Religion, 5, 33-56. Chapter 15 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1982)
Church and cult in Canada.
Canadian Journal of Sociology, 7, 351-366. Chapter 20 in Stark & Bainbridge (1985).

Bainbridge, William S. & Rodney Stark (1984)
Formal explanation of religion: a progress report.
Sociological Analysis, 45, 145-158.

Bainbridge, William S. (1987)
Science and religion: the case of Scientology.
In Bromley & Hammond (eds.), 59-79.

Bainbridge, William S. (1991)
Social construction from within: Satan’s Process.
In Richardson et al. (ed.).

Bainbridge, William S. (1997)
The sociology of religious movements.
New York: Routledge.

Bainbridge, William S. (2002)
The endtime family: Children of God.
State University of New York Press.

Balch, Robert W. & David Taylor (1977)
Seekers and saucers: the role of the cultic milieu in joining a UFO cult.
American Behavioral Scientist, 20, 839-860.

Balch, Robert W. (1980)
Looking behind the scenes in a religious cult: implications for the study of conversion.
Sociological Analysis, 41(2), 137-143.

Balch, Robert W. (1982)
Bo and Peep: a case study of the origins of messianic leadership.
In Wallis (ed.), 13-71.

Balch, Robert W. (1985)
“When the light goes out, darkness comes”: a study of defection from a totalistic cult.
In Stark (ed.), 11-64.

Balch, Robert W. (1985)
What’s wrong with the study of new religions and what can we do about it.
In Kilbourne (ed.).

Balch, Robert W. (1988)
Money and power in utopia: an economic history of the Love Family.
In Richardson (ed.), 185-220.

Balch, Robert W. (1995)
Waiting for the ships: disillusionment and the revitalization of faith in Bo and Peep’s UFO cult. [Heaven’s Gate] In Lewis (ed.), 137-166; Syzygy, 3(1/2), 95-116.

Balch, Robert W. (1995)
Charisma and corruption in the Love Family: toward a theory of corruption in charismatic cults.
In Neitz & Goldman (eds.), 155-179.

Balch, Robert W. & Stephan Langdon (1998)
How the problem of malfeasance gets overlooked in studies of new religions: an examination of the AWARE study of the Church Universal and Triumphant.
In Shupe (ed.), 191-211.

Balch, Robert W. & David Taylor (2002)
Making sense of the Heaven’s Gate suicides.
In Bromley & Melton (eds.), 209-228.

Barker, Eileen (1978)
Living the Divine Principle: inside the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church in Britain.
Archives de de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 45(1).

Barker, Eileen (1981)
Who’d be a Moonie? A comparative study of those who join the Unification Church in Britain.
In Wilson (ed.), 59-96.

Barker, Eileen, ed. (1982)
New religious movements: a perspective for understanding society.
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen.

Barker, Eileen, ed. (1983)
Of gods and men: new religious movements in the West.
Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.

Barker, Eileen (1983)
New religious movements in Britain: the context and membership.
Social Compass, 30(1), 33-48.

Barker, Eileen (1983)
The ones who got away: people who attend Unification Church workshops and do not become Moonies.
In Barker (ed.), 309-336.

Barker, Eileen (1983)
Supping with the devil.
Sociological Analysis, 44(3), 197-206.

Barker, Eileen (1983)
“With enemies like that…”: some functions of deprogramming as an aid to sectarian membership.
In Bromley & Richardson (eds.), 329-344.

Barker, Eileen (1984)
The making of a Moonie: brainwashing or choice?
Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Barker, Eileen (1984)
The British right to discriminate.
Society, 21(4), 35-41.

Barker, Eileen (1986)
Religious movements: cult and anticult since Jonestown.
Annual Review of Sociology, 12, 329-346.

Barker, Eileen (1987)
New religious movements and cults in Europe.
In Eliade et al. (eds.).

Barker, Eileen (1987)
Brahmins don’t eat mushrooms: participant observation and the new religions.
In Paul Bedham (ed.), Religion, state and society in modern Britain.
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 185-208.

Barker, Eileen (1987)
Quo vadis? The Unification Church.
In Bromley & Hammond (eds.), 141-152.

Barker, Eileen (1988)
Defection from the Unification Church: some statistics and distinctions.
In Bromley (ed.), 166-184.

Barker, Eileen (1989)
New religious movements: a practical introduction.
London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.

Barker, Eileen (1992)
Authority and dependance in new religious movements.
In Wilson (ed.), 237-255.

Barker, Eileen, J. Beckford & K. Dobbelaere, eds. (1993)
Secularization, Rationalism and Sectarianism.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Barker, Eileen (1994)
But is it a genuine religion?
In Greil & Robbins (eds.), 69-88.

Barker, Eileen (1995)
Plus ça change … (Changing characteristics of NRMs).
Social Compass, 42(2), 165-180.

Barker, Eileen (1995)
The scientific study of religion? You must be joking!
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 34(3), 287-310.

Barker, Eileen (1995)
Standing at the cross-roads: the politics of marginality in “subversive organizations”.
In Bromley (ed.)

Barker, Eileen & Margit Warburg, eds. (1998)
New religions and new religiosity.
Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Barker, Eileen (1999)
New religious movements: their incidence and significance.
In Wilson & Cresswell (eds.), 16-31.

Barker, Eileen (2001)
Uses and abuses of the brainwashing thesis.
In Zablocki & Robbins (eds.).

Barker, Eileen (2002)
Watching for violence: a comparative analysis of the roles of five types of cult-watching groups.
In Bromley & Melton (eds.), 123-148.

Barkun, Michael (1994)
Religion and the racist right: the origins of the Christian Identity Movement.
Chapell Hill: University of North Carolina Press (revised edition, 1997)

Barkun, Michael, ed. (1996)
Millennialism and violence.
Terrorism and Political Violence 7 (1995, special issue); Essex/Portland: Frank Cass.

Barkun, Michael (1996)
Religion, militias, and Oklahoma City: the mind of conspirationalists.
Terrorism and Potical Violence, 8(1), 50-64.

Barkun, Michael (1997)
Millenarians and violence: the case of the Christian Identity movement.
In Robbins & Palmer (eds.), 247-260.

Barkun, Michael (1999)
End-time paranoia: conspiracy thinking at the millennium’s close.
In Christopher Kleinhenz and Fannie J. LeMoine (eds), Fearful Hope: Approaching the New Millennium, 170-181.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Barkun, Michael (2000)
Millennial violence in contemporary America.
In Wessinger (ed.).

Barrett David V. (1997)
Secret societies: From the ancient and arcane to the modern and clandestine.
London: Blandford.

Barrett David V. (2001)
The new believers: sects, “cults”, and alternative religions.
London: Cassell.

Beckford, James A. (1975)
The trumpet of prophecy: a sociological study of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Beckford, James A. (1975)
Organization, ideology and recruitment: the structure of the Watchtower movement.
The Sociological Review,  23(4), 893-909.

Beckford, James A. (1978)
Accounting for conversion.
British Journal of Sociology, 29(2), 249-262.

Beckford, James A. (1978)
Through the looking-glass and out the other side: withdrawal from Reverend Moon’s Unification Church.
Archives de Sociologie des Religions, 45(1), 95-116.

Beckford, James A. (1979)
Politics and the anti-cult movement.
Annual Review of the Social Sciences of Religion, 3, 169-190.

Beckford, James A. (1981)
A typology of family responses to a new religious movement.
Marriage and Family Review, 4(3-4), 41-55.

Beckford, James A. (1981)
Cults, controversy and control: a comparative analysis of the problems posed by new religious movements in the Federal Republic of Germany and France.
Sociological Analysis, 42(3), 249-264.

Beckford, James A. (1982)
Beyond the pale: cults, culture and conflict.
In Barker (ed.), 284-301

Beckford, James A. & James T. Richardson (1983)
A bibliography of social scientific studies of new religious movements.
Social Compass, 30(1), 111-135.

Beckford, James A. (1983)
Talking of apostasy: telling tales and “telling” tales.
In P. Abell and N.G. Gilbert (eds.), Accounts and Action, 77-97.
Aldershot: Gower Press.

Beckford, James A. (1983)
The “cult problem” in five countries: the social construction of religious controversy.
In Barker (ed.), 195-214.

Beckford, James A. (1983)
‘Brainwashing’ and ‘deprogramming’ in Britain: the social sources of anti-cult sentiment.
In Bromley & Richardson (eds.), 123-138.

Beckford, James A. (1983)
Some questions about the relationship between scholars and the new religious movements.
Sociological Analysis, 44(3), 189-196.

Beckford, James A. (1984)
The public response to new religious movements in the U.K.
Youth and Social Policy, 9 (Summer), 21-35.

Beckford, James A. (1984)
Holistic imagery and ethics in new religious and healing movements.
Social Compass, 31(2/3), 225-272.

Beckford, James A. (1985)
Cult controversies: the societal response to new religious movements.
London: Tavistock Publications.

Beckford, James A. (1985)
New religious movements and healing: a sociological overview.
In Jones (ed.), 72-93.

Beckford, James A., ed. (1986)
New religious movements and rapid social change.
London: Sage.

Beckford, James A. & Martine Levasseur (1986)
New religious movements in Western Europe.
In Beckford (ed.), 29-54.

Beckford, James A & Melanie Cole (1988)
British and American responses to new religious movements.
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 70, 209-224.

Beckford, James A. (1990)
The sociology of religion 1945-1989.
Social Compass, 37(1), 45-64.

Beckford, James A. (1990)
The sociology of religion and social problems.
Sociological Analysis, 51(1), 1-14.

Beckford, James A. (1990)
Religion and power.
In Robbins & Anthony (eds), 43-60.

Beckford, James A. (1990)
Socialization in small religious movements.
In L. Laeyendecker et al., (eds.), Experiences and Explanations. Historical and Sociological Essays on Religion in Everyday Life, 135-159.
Ljouwert (Leeuwarden): Fryske Akademy.

Beckford, James A. (1993)
States, governments and the management of controversial new religious movements.
In Barker, Beckford & Dobbelaere (eds.), 125-43.

Beckford, James A. & Thomas Robbins (1993)
Religious movements and church-state issues.
In Bromley & Hadden (eds.), 199-218

Beckford, James A. (1993)
Are new religious movements new social movements?
Scriptura, S12, 19-34.

Beckford, James A. (1994)
The media and new religious movements.
In Lewis (ed.), 143-48.

Beckford, James A. (1995)
Cults, conflicts and journalists.
In Towler (ed.), 99-111.

Beckford, James A. (1998)
‘Cult’ controversies in three European countries.
The Journal of Oriental Studies, 8, 174-84 .

Beckford, James A. (1999)
The mass media and new religions.
In Wilson & Cresswell (eds.), 103-119.

Bednarowski, Mary Farrell (1989)
New religions and the theological imagination in America.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Bednarowski, Mary Farrell (1995)
The Church of Scientology: lightning rod for cultural boundary conflicts.
In Miller (ed.), 385-392.

Behar, Richard (1986)
The prophet and profits of Scientology.
Forbes, 138(9), 314-322.

Behar, Richard (1991)
The thriving cult of greed and power. [Scientology] Time Magazine, May 6, 52-60.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (1992)
Despair and deliverance: private salvation in contemparary Israel.
Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (1993)
The annotated dictionary of modern religious movements. (+ CD-ROM)
Danbury, CT: The Grollier Educational Corporation.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (1993)
The illustrated encyclopedia of active new religions, sects and cults.
New York: Rosen Publishing.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (1996)
Psychoanalytic studies of religion: a critical assessment and annotated bibliography.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin & Michael Argyle (1997)
The psychology of religious behavior, belief, and experience.
London & New York: Routledge.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (1998)
The illustrated encyclopedia of active new religions, sects and cults. Revised Edition.
New York: Rosen Publishing.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (2001)
‘O truant muse’: Collaborationism and research integrity.
In Zablocki & Robbins (eds.), 35-70.

Bergman, Jerry (1995)
The Adventist and Jehovah’s Witness branch of protestantism.
In Miller (ed.), 33-46.

Beverley, James A. (1995)
Holy laughter and the Toronto Blessing.
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.

Beyerstein, Dale (1996)
Sai Baba.
In Stein (ed.), 653-657.

Biermans, John T. (1988)
The odyssey of new religions today: a case study of the Unification Church.
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen.

Bird, Frederick (1978)
Charisma and ritual in new religious movements.
In Needleman & Baker (eds.), 173-189.

Bird, Frederick (1979)
The pursuit of innocence: new religious movements and moral accountability.
Sociological Analysis, 40(4), 335-346.

Bird, Frederick B. & Frances Westley (1985)
The economic strategies of new religious movements.
Sociological Analysis, 46(2), 157-170.

Bird, Frederick B. (1993)
Charisma and leadership in new religious movements.
In Bromley & Hadden (eds.), 75-92.

Bird, Frederick & Rooshikumar Pandya (1993)
Therapeutic aspects of new religious movements.
In Palmer & Sharma (eds.), 57-83.

Bocking, Brian & Marion Bowman, eds. (1999)
Contemporary and new age religions in the British isles.
Religion today, 9(3), special edition.

Borhek, James T. & Richard F. Curtis (1975)
A sociology of belief.
New York: John Wiley.

Borowik, Irena, ed.(1997)
New religions in Central and Eastern Europe.
Kraków: Nomos.

Boyle, Robin (1998)
Women, the law, and cults.
Cultic Studies Journal, 15, 1-32.

Boyle, Robin (1999)
How children in cults may use emancipation laws to free themselves.
Cultic Studies Journal, 16, 1-32

Bozeman, John M. (1998)
Radical reoganization in the Church Universal and Triumphant.
Nova Religio, 1(2), 293-297.

Bozeman, John M. (2000)
ISKCON’s Extensive Reform Effort. [Hare Krishna] Nova Religio, 3(2).

Brackett, D. W. (1996)
Holy terror: Armageddon in Tokyo. [Aum Shinrikyo] New York, NY: Weatherhill, Inc.

Bradney, Anthony (1999)
New religious movements: the legal dimension.
In Wilson & Cresswell (eds.), 82-100..

Brecher, Max (1993)
A passage to India. [Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh].
Bombay: Book Quest Publishers.

Brenneman, Richard J. (1990)
Deadly blessings: faith healing on trial. [Christian Science] Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.

Brinkerhoff, Merlin B. & Kathryn L. Burke (1980)
Disaffiliation: some notes on “falling from the faith”.
Sociological Analysis, 41(1), 41-54.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1979)
“Just a few years seem like a lifetime”: a role theory approach to participation in religious movements.
Research in Social Movements, 2, 159-185.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1979)
The Tnevnoc cult.
Sociological Analysis, 40(4), 361-366.

Bromley, David G., Anson D Shupe & J.C. Ventimiglia (1979)
Atrocity tales, the Unification Church and the social construction of evil.
Journal of Communication, 29(3), 42-53.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1979)
“Moonies” in America: cult, church, and crusade.
Beverly Hills: Sage.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1980)
Financing the new religions: a resource mobilization approach.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 19(3), 227-239.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1981)
Strange gods: the great American cult scare.
Boston: Beacon Press.

Bromley, David G., Anson Shupe & Bruce Bushing (1981)
Repression of religious “cults”.
Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change, 4, 25-45.

Bromley, David G., B.C. Busching & A.D. Shupe (1982)
The Unification Church and the American family: strain, conflict, and control.
In Barker (ed.), 302-311.

Bromley, David G. & James T. Richardson, eds. (1983)
The brainwashing/deprogramming controversy: sociological, psychological, legal and historical perspectives.
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen.

Bromley, David G. et al. (1983)
The role of anecdotal atrocities in the social construction of evil.
In Bromley & Richardson (eds.), 139-160.

Bromley, David G. (1983)
Conservatorships and deprogramming: legal and political prospects.
In Bromley & Richardson (eds.), 267-293.

Bromley, David G. (1985)
Financing the millennium: the economic structure of the Unificationist movement.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 24, 253-275.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1986)
Affiliation and disaffiliation: a role theory interpretation of joining and leaving new religious movements.
Thought: A Review of Culture and Ideas, 61, 197-211.

Bromley, David G. & Phillip H. Hammond, eds. (1987)
The future of new religious movements.
Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.

Bromley, David G. & Anson D. Shupe (1987)
The future of the anticult movement.
In Bromley & Hammond (eds.), 221-234.

Bromley, David G., Jeffrey K. Hadden & Phillip E. Hammand (1987)
Reflections on the scholarly study of new religious movements.
In Bromley & Hammand (eds.), 210-217.

Bromley, David G., ed. (1988)
Falling from the faith: causes and consequences of religious apostacy.
Beverly Hill: Sage.

Bromley, David G. (1988)
Deprogramming as a mode of exit from new religious movements: the case of the Unification Movement.
In Bromley (ed.), 185-204.

Bromley, David G. (1988)
Economic structure and charismatic leadership in the Unification Church.
In Richardson (ed.), 335-364.

Bromley, David G. & Bruce C. Bushing (1988)
Understanding the structure of contractual and covenantal social relations: implications for the sociology of religion.
Sociological Analysis, 49(S), 15-32.

Bromley, David G., Anson Shupe & Edward Breschel (1989)
The legacy of Jonestown and the development of the anti-cult movement.
In Rebecca Moore and Fielding McGehee (eds.), 153-178.

Bromley, David G. & Larry D. Shinn, eds. (1989)

Krishna Consciousness in the West.
Lewisburg, Pa: Bucknell University Press.

Bromley, David G. (1989)
Hare-Krishna and the anti-cult movement.
In Bromley & Shinn (eds.), 255-292.

Bromley, David G. & Anson Shupe (1989)
The public reaction to cults.
In Galanter (ed.), 305-334.

Bromley, David G. & Anson Shupe (1990)
Rebottling the elixer: the gospel of prosperity in America’s religioeconomic corporations,
In Robbins & Anthony (eds.), 233-254.

Bromley, David G. (1991)
Unravelling religious disaffiliation: the meaning and significance of falling from the faith in contemporary society.
Counseling and Values, 35, 164-185.

Bromley, David G. (1991)
Satanism: the new cult scare.
In Richardson et al. (eds.), 49-72.

Bromley, David G. & Edward Breschel (1992)
General population and institutional elite support for social control of new religious movements: evidence from national survey data.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 10, 39-52.

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