Summary Peter Seaton, aged 11 months, died in a fire on the morning of December 25, 1938. His cot was on the ground floor of a tenement house. He slept alone. His room was heated by an electric heater. At…
Summary Peter Seaton, aged 11 months, died in a fire on the morning of December 25, 1938. His cot was on the ground floor of a tenement house. He slept alone. His room was heated by an electric heater. At…
The case of the death of Sarah Morley rests on two sources: a newspaper report based on the inquest, and an article in the British Medical Journal. Norwich Mercury – Saturday 31 May 1902 (Comments are below the article)…
Wie zijn toch de complotdenkers die je regelmatig bij Café Weltschmerz ziet en die De Andere Krant volschrijven?
Kinderen denken dat er om te zien iets uit de ogen komt, en opmerkelijk genoeg denkt ongeveer de helft van de volwassenen dat ook. Althans, dat zeiden Gerald Winer en collega’s in de jaren negentig na proeven met psychologiestudenten.