In the Skeptical Inquirer (1981) P.H. Hoebens takes down the evidence for the successes of the famous psychic detective and exposes the reports of his mentor as fraudulent.

In the Skeptical Inquirer (1981) P.H. Hoebens takes down the evidence for the successes of the famous psychic detective and exposes the reports of his mentor as fraudulent.
Report of the Working Group Ritual Abuse April 1994 Ministry of Justice Direction of Constitutional and Criminal Law Postbus 20301 2500 EH Den Haag (The Netherlands) Telephone +31.70.3707198 [Translated by J.W. Nienhuys] [Explicatory notes will be enclosed in square brackets.…
Kernenergie wordt gevaarlijk gevonden, maar andere soorten energie zijn ook gevaarlijk. De risico’s waar het om gaat zijn klein en moeilijk te beoordelen.
Spontaneous Human Confabulation: Requiem for Phyllis by Jan Willem Nienhuys <> – Skeptical Inquirer, 25(2), March/April 2001 Examination of an oft-repeated tale of spontaneous human combustion reveals distortions, errors, and mystery mongering. According to popular books on the unexplained, a young…